Lawn Pests Fargo

Watch Out For These 5 Common Summer Lawn Pests

Now that summer is in full swing, pests are poking their heads around Fargo-Moorhead yards. Plus, hot summer temperatures leave your lawn vulnerable to these invading bugs. It’s more important than ever to be vigilant – Nobody loves to find creepy-crawling insects invading their lawn, but regular inspections are crucial! So, watch out for these five common lawn pests creeping into North Dakota lawns this summer.


If something’s chewing up your grass blades, it might be cutworms. Cutworms are sneaky pests that begin as 1-2 inch C-shaped caterpillars and mature into adult moths. The larvae hide within the soil until nighttime, when they emerge and feed on the foliage. Their nocturnal habits can make them hard to identify, but you can recognize cutworm larvae by their fat bodies ranging from brown to grey with stripes or spots.

White Grubs

Easy to spot and an infamous nuisance among homeowners, white grubs are the larvae of June beetles. White grubs are light-colored C-shaped worms with no legs. While small, these white grubs can pack a punch by severely damaging turfgrass roots. If you think you’re dealing with a white grub infestation, try the tug test: Go to an infected area and pull on a patch of grass. If it comes up easily and without resistance, the roots are damaged, and grubs are likely to blame.

May/June Beetles

While adult May/June beetles don’t harm turfgrass, their larvae certainly do. May/June beetle larvae are light-colored C-shaped worms often mistaken for white grubs. However, unlike their similar counterparts, these pests have six legs. The larvae feed on turfgrass roots, creating weakened and wilted patches of grass in homeowner yards. So, stopping May/June beetles is essential for your lawn’s health and beauty.

Western Chinch Bugs

If you have zoysiagrass or buffalograss, watch out for the western chinch bug! While they primarily feed on these two warm-season grasses, they are also known to eat other turfgrass species. Chinch bugs are identified by their oblong black bodies with two antennae and wings tightly tucked on their back. Instead of feeding directly on foliage, they use their piercing mouth parts to suck the moisture out of turfgrass, leaving it dry and brittle.

Bluegrass Billbugs

Bluegrass billbugs are bad news for homeowners. If you have a Bluegrass yard, it’s essential to keep an eye out. These brown weevil beetles and their white, brown-headed larvae feed on the stems, crowns, and shallow roots of North Dakota’s most common residential turfgrass type. These pests are especially damaging; the adults feed on stems and crown tissue, while the larvae consume the shallow roots of the grass.

Preventive Measures For Summer Lawn Pests

The hot summer months can make your grass susceptible to pests and other dangers. So, the best way to handle a pest problem is to have a game plan before they invade your lawn. Follow these tips to prevent lawn pests and encourage dense and hardy turf growth for years to come.

● Mow at an optimal height of 3-4 inches to reduce pest habitat
● Invest in a year-round lawn care program for routine fertilizing and expert insight
● Inspect your lawn regularly for signs of pests or disease
● Perform a soil analysis every 1-3 years to test for high pest threshold numbers
● Water deeply and infrequently to encourage strong root growth
● Introduce beneficial nematodes that target grubs in the soil

Claim A FREE Quote For FM-Area Pest Control Services

Don’t let these lawn pests bug you this summer! Manny’s Lawn & Snow’s lawn care program strengthens your lawn’s natural defenses for maximum protection. Contact us today for a FREE quote on year-round lawn maintenance services.